Stephane Dadjo Episode 68

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 In this episode, we dive deep into the essentials of emotional well-being and how you can take control of your mental health with practical, expert-proven strategies. We’ll explore the power of mindfulness, the importance of fostering positive relationships, and the necessity of setting healthy boundaries. Plus, learn why self-care isn’t selfish, when to seek professional help, and how to cultivate emotional awareness in your daily routine. Whether you're feeling overwhelmed or simply looking to improve your emotional resilience, this episode offers actionable steps to help you thrive in every aspect of your life. Tune in and start your journey to better emotional health today! 

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00:00:00 Unknown: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to my podcast, Live Your Best Life Every Day. My name is Stephane Dadjo and i'm your host. In today's episode. We're going to be discussing emotional well-being. Get comfortable and let's get started. In today's fast paced world where everything seems to be moving at a lightning speed, emotional well-being is often overlooked when most emphasis is being given to physical health and professional success. Emotional well-being is equally crucial to living in balance and, of course, fulfilling life. Without it, even the most outwardly successful life can feel empty or cultic. So what is emotional well-being and why is it so important? To begin with, I need you to take some few seconds to reflect on where you are at emotionally. Would you say you're emotionally stable or better yet, would you say that you're emotionally. Well, in terms of you being happy with the current emotional state that you have on a daily basis. They were. In order for you to be emotional, would it be you need to further understand what is emotional would be. It refers pretty much to the ability to understand, manage and express your emotions effectively. It is about having a positive outlook on life, being able to cope with stress, for instance, and maintaining healthy relationships. Emotional well-being isn't about being happy all the time. No, that's very utopic. And that's something that I believe we can all agree can never happen. You cannot be happy all the time. But it is about resilience. The capacity to bounce back from last challenges and maintain this sense of inner peace and stability. A lot of us have been through challenges in life or to situations that took our smile. We opened it, took our shoulders away. But the thing about life is, no matter what you do, life is going to come at you. No matter where you are at, whether you think you are financially thriving or you know, you are just there trying to make it on a daily basis. Life is going to come after you because life knows no age, it knows no status. It knows no gender. It knows no race. It comes after everyone. So since we cannot avoid life coming after us, we need to master, you know, the principles to make sure that whenever it does come after us or else we can bounce back. And keep going. You need to understand that you don't have to look at your challenges. You don't have to stay down because life got you down on your knees. Take the time that you need to rise, hope and get going. Okay. We are going to be going through a few points here because I need you to understand why emotional well-being is important and what he can add in terms of value to yourself if you get into that right mindset. Okay. The first point is an improvement that health, emotional well-being is closely linked to mental health. In case you didn't know, people who manage their emotions well are less likely to suffer from mental health issues like anxiety, depression or burnout. They are more equipped to handle the ups and downs of life because they view challenges as an opportunity for growth rather than an insurmountable obstacle. You need to understand that most things in life are about perspective. Okay for some. When you see Mountain, you're like, Oh, how am I going to do the first time or want to see a mountain? You see an opportunity to go for a hike. So it's all about perspective and it's significant that you give to certain things. Personally, I've learned to take any challenge that fries as an opportunity to learn and grow, because if I see those challenges as roadblocks, then those stop me, believe it or not. At many stages of my life so far. If I had to kill or be dead, if I have to eat three or better yet, if I had to feel overwhelmed by everything that I've been through, I wouldn't be where I am today. I won't be talking to you, but I am because I decided at some point that, you know what, if I'm going to do this, then I better go through it. Let me not waste this experience. There is an opportunity here. And we took advantage of it. And I realize that quite often when you actually learn what you're supposed to learn, witness a situation when you present itself again, or when that particular thing shows up in the future, you are better equipped to handle it. Because remember what I told you in the beginning, lack is going to come at you, whatever what it is. Sometimes the same thing that keeps coming back. If you have mastered it, if you have been paying attention, you will realize that is the same thing coming back, just in the different shape and form So if you've learned. What you needed to learn. Then it won't bother you and it won't affect you the same way it did at first. That's sitting right there. Okay. The second point is better relationships. You have to practice emotional intelligence. What is putting more stability to organize and manage your emotions and the emotions of all those around you? Of course, it is a cornerstone to her relationships that I have to emphasize them. When you are in tune with your emotions, you are better able to communicate your needs, you are better able to understand orders, and you can easily resolve conflicts. This will lead to a more meaningful and fulfilling connection to those who are around you. It's as simple as that. Okay. And if you need me to make an episode on emotional intelligence, definitely that I can do for you. Okay. Just on to perhaps comment. Or DM me or better yet, you know, email me. Regardless of the platform where you come across this episode, the point number three is going to be increased productivity. Emotion I would have been directly impacts your ability to focus. To make decisions or to stay motivated. When you're emotionally balanced, you are more likely to be productive, to be creative and effective in your personal and professional life. Now, a long time ago, one of the guys who used to work with me was very much of an emotional wreck, if I can put it that way. He used to pretty much be a miss at work. And at some point I had to talk some sense into him because, again, I believe that it is my responsibility not to change people's lives. No, it is my possibility to make sure that one way or the other I impact the lives of people around me. Now, changing or not, that remains the decision. That's not something that I can make or do for him. Right. So I spoke some sense into him and I told him once that, listen, when you allow yourself because, yes, it's a choice when you allow yourself to be an emotional wreck. What good does that do to you? He was unable to reply and I told him, it doesn't bring you any good whatsoever. And if you observe, things only get worst. And I can understand that we all have our code and not so good things. But you need to learn how to keep it together. You need to learn how to process stuff in a way that while you are dealing with them, it doesn't necessarily affect all the stuff. Just because you are not doing well emotionally doesn't mean that it has to affect. Do you understand? That's where emotional intelligence comes in. Learn to manage your emotions. Learn to channel them. Okay. Learn to channel them. Phone number three physical to help. Your emotional well-being will eventually affect your physical health. It can cause chronic stress, for example, which can lead to a host of physical problems, including but not limited to heart disease, high blood pressure and a weakened immune system. But managing or prepared by learning to manage your emotions and reduce stress, you can actually improve overall health and well-being. Now, you might ask me if you were in front of me right now or if you're in life, how do you think? Or better yet, what do you mean by saying that the emotional well-being will affect the physical hardware? 10 minutes when you don't feel right and you take yourself to the gym, are you able to perform the same as the days when you were actually feeling or writing, you know, emotionally? I mean, of course you can perform the same. You cannot. But but again, if you bring into the equation emotional intelligence, even if you are going through something, you will still be able to perform. When you get to the gym, you will because you will be able to make sure that whatever it is that you are dealing with or whatever it is that is affecting you, does not miss up with other aspects of your life. Okay. You need to learn to kind of like it's a having a cupboard in the brain. Compartmentalize again and let them be where they need to be. Because if you don't do that. You will be a miss. Any other people out there? Actually struggling with that. And my advice is compartmentalize. Put things in different compartments in your brain. And deal with them separately. Don't let them mixed up with allies ways. You can easily feel overwhelmed and things are going to get out of control. And when they get out of control, guess what? Turmoil, confusion and so on. You don't want that now, do you? They can tell you your emotional well-being is essential for achieving balance in fulfilling life. Here are some few steps on how that can be applied in your everyday life to help you maintain your emotional health. Look again here. Definitely two points, and I need you to take notes, cooperate, listen attentively. The first point is going to be embrace mindfulness in your daily life. Mindfulness is more than just meditation. It's a way of living all together. By intentionally focusing on your present, you can increase Dale when his of your thoughts and feelings. Start with a simple practice like mindful breathing, for example, or better yet, paying attention to your surroundings during your walk or jogging. Mindfulness can reduce stress. It can improve focus. And it will enhance, for sure, emotional regulation. That is why incorporating short mindfulness exercises into your daily routine can help you to stay grounded and manage your emotions more effectively. Okay. The second point is to foster is to foster positive relationships. Building and maintaining positive relationships is crucial for emotional well-being, according to some research from the Harvard Study of Adult Development. Strong relationships are key to happiness and health. Surround yourself with people who uplift you and support you. Okay? People who support your core. What you do not share. Engage in open and honest communications. And invest time in relationships that matters. Stop trying to force people to be in your life or to be around you. Stop trying to bend yourself in full or to divide yourself in ten for people. Focus on relationships that are meaningful to you. What brings you peace, happiness, fulfillment and joy. Things that bring you fruit. Focus on that. Because that's because that is what matters. Make it a habit of connecting with loved ones. Originally. Lucky in my loved ones. I don't necessarily mean family. No, I'm talking about your loved ones. The people that you know love you and that you love back. Okay. When number three set and maintain healthy boundaries. Now boundaries are something that a lot of people are free to start because the moment you set boundaries, it doesn't always go right. You might end up losing seven people here and then your life. But that's when it comes, that choice. You need to choose between you and people. Because if you don't set healthy boundaries, guess what? You're going to be missed. And when you're a mess, do you think that those people are going to stick around? No, they won't. What do you work on yourself or not? You are likely to lose seven people. Okay. That's why you need to make it about you. When it comes to mental health, emotional well-being and so on, it has to be about you first. Don't forget, instead of running after butterflies, if you have a beautiful garden, butterflies will come. The garden will attract a butterfly. And in this particular piece, what I'm telling you to do is be the garden, beta, beautiful garden. And let butterflies find you. It's as simple as that. Okay. Boundaries are essential. For protecting your emotional health. Okay. Boundaries define where you end in order speaking. That's why you need to learn how to say no without guilt. And Ignacio limits what is at work in friendships, relationships, or with family boundaries. Ensure that you don't overextend yourself. That's why you need to practice assertiveness by clearly communicating your needs and respecting your own time and energy. Okay. Because by prioritizing your well-being, you can avoid emotional exhaustion and maintain balance in your life. Remember that you can only affect people positively if you are doing all right yourself. You can only attract good if you are doing good yourself. You can only attract positivity if you are in their right mind. Okay. Point number four. Incorporate self-care into your daily routine. Now believe it when I say this self-care is not a luxury, is a necessity for your emotional well-being. It is suffering because activity that not shows your body, your mind and spirit all together is a combo. It is a combo. So identify what recharges you, what is really exercising, you know, engaging in hobbies, spending time in nature, or simply relaxing with a good book. Make self-care in non-negotiable part of your daily routine. By taking care of yourself, you build resilience and you are better equipped to handle stress and adversity when they're sure because that will show up as effect. But you can be ready. But number five. Seek professional support if you need it. There is no shame in seeking help when you need it. There are people counseling can provide valuable tools for managing emotions and of course overcome challenges. Okay. To help you gain insight into emotional patterns and develop a healthier coping strategy. So if you're feeling overwhelmed or stuck and you can't reach out to anyone that you know, don't hesitate to reach out to a mental health professional. Do not hesitate. You can find them. All of this on IG. You know, again, if you need a reference, I mean, find someone who can assist you. Okay. It's really important. I remember once I had a friend, of course, that was a long time ago. And we sort of like, you know, lost touch. But I remember once we were having a conversation and he was telling me what he was going through. And at some point, I tried to advise him. But thing is he was not comfortable in that could tell by his body language and he told me that. Stiffer. Don't take this wrong. But if thing is, I don't feel comfortable, you know, discussing this with you because I feel like I'm being psychoanalyzed. And there is nothing wrong with that. It's just that, you know, it's making me feel completely and totally naked. And I feel it's sort of kind of weird because I know you, you know, and you know me. I would feel way better if I was talking to a stranger about it. And in fairness, that's completely valid. And I respect that, understand that. And of course, I didn't do so. Go ahead and do so. And he went on. He got into therapy. And a year down the road after that, he was a completely different person in terms of he got to that bitter place that he was seeking and wanted to be at. We are not kind of today not sure where he's at in the world, but last time I checked, she was doing great. She was doing great. So that's what it is about. Happiest day of the week. That's it. There is no one way. There is no one way to get help. Help yourself the way you can. As long as you stay healthy, which is something that's going to get you back operated, as long as it's something that's going to get you on the path that you are seeking. Okay. Point number six Cultivate emotional awareness. No emotional one is a step, but now emotional awareness is the ability to recognize and understand your emotions. Looking different. Daniel Goleman, the author of Emotional Intelligence, highlights that emotional awareness is key to managing stress and improving our relationships. Start by checking in with yourself regularly. How are you feeling and why? Journaling. Taking a trusted friend or better yet, reflecting on your day can, you know, can help you identify emotion that triggers and patterns. But understanding the root causes of emotions, you can address them proactively and prevent negative emotions from escalating. You need to understand that life is a journey. The ups and downs, I repeat, are always going to be dead. It's what it is, what you make of them that will define you. Understand me. Your ups and downs will not define you, though. What you make of them will define you. The what you make of them will define you. Because that's your narrative right there. I think the ambush now would have been an ongoing process and it requires a lot of attention and effort is not something that happens overnight. By embracing mindfulness, by fostering positive relationships, by setting healthy boundaries, by incorporating self-care, by seeking professional support when you need it, and by contributing emotional awareness, you can build a solid foundation for your emotional health. These strategies are not just theoretical, by the way. They are practical stuff that you can integrate in your everyday life. Remember that emotional well-being is a journey, not a destination. It is that by the time they are retired. You're going to get there. More power to you. Feel free to share this episode with whoever you think this might be relevant to. Okay. And of course, I encourage you I invite you to check out my latest book available on Amazon. The title of the book is Anti-growth Triggers. My name is Stephane Dadjo. Thank you for listening to this episode. Have a good day or evening wherever you are at on this beautiful globe. And until next time. Stay tuned.

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