Stephane Dadjo Episode 67

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Join host Stéphane Dadjo on the Lybled podcast as we explore the powerful journey of self-reinvention. In this episode, we delve into overcoming life's challenges, embracing failures as opportunities, and mastering the art of personal transformation. Discover actionable steps to reflect, understand your strengths and weaknesses, and effectively reinvent yourself. Whether driven by personal, professional, or circumstantial changes, this episode offers valuable insights for anyone seeking to start anew. Tune in to transform your life and unlock your true potential. 

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Thank you for tuning in to this episode of the Lybled podcast! If you found today's discussion valuable, don't miss out on more transformative insights in my book, Anti-Growth Triggers. Head over to Amazon to get your copy today.

 📍  One, two, three, four.  Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to my podcast live your best life every day. My name is Stephane Dadjo and today we're going to be talking about how to reinvent yourself.  My latest book available on Amazon. The title of the book is Anti - Growth Triggers. This is a manual that's going to help you to pretty much spot areas where you self sabotage,  how to adjust and auto correct and of course how to tap into your next level seamlessly.

Okay, so I advise that you check it out, uh, grab your copies and of course, happy reading.  Now, let's dive into the topic of the day.  You see, the thing is, a lot of us have been through substantial challenges in life and I think it's safe to say that a lot of us went through seasons of life where we pretty much lost everything or things were a complete or a total failure.

Now, in this episode, we're going to be going through You know, how to pretty much pull ourselves back and how to make sure that we reinvent ourselves seamlessly and that we keep trying at things. But the thing about life is you're going to try a lot of things. And from my own personal experience, what I've noticed is in life, you are bound to learn more about what you're not good at than the opposite.

All the other way around, meaning that you are bound to fail  at more things that you will succeed at. And there's nothing wrong about that. There's nothing embarrassing about that. Quite the opposite. Everything's an opportunity to learn, and every failure is a redirection.  The thing about reinvention is that it's more than just a buzzword, and I know a lot of people Talk about that, but I think very few really get to tap into that fully. 

Now, while it is very important, it's also relevant to understand that it's necessary in this journey of self discovery and of course personal growth.  Life is filled with unexpected twists and turns, you know, and sometimes we crossroad where The only way forward is to start anew.  I know I've been through that and probably all of you guys listening went through that as well. 

Now,  whether it's driven by personal, professional, or better yet, circumstantial changes, reinventing yourself can be both a daunting and exhilarating process.  In this episode, we're going to be talking about how to effectively pull ourselves.  Now, I'm going to break this down into steps. And the first one, of course, is going to be self reflection. 

The thing about self reflection is we sometimes have difficulties overcoming denial and upsetting the need to change.  And that's what is holding a lot of people back.  The fact is, before you can reinvent yourself, you must understand who you are and why you want to change.  You have to take the time to evaluate your strengths, your weaknesses, your passions, okay?

And the aspect of your life that no longer serves you.  or add value to you.  It's important to journal that, okay, and speak maybe with a trusted friend, you know, besties, or whatso, or a counselor, or maybe a therapist,  whoever you feel like you can talk to, and gain clarity from that conversation. You can start, let's say, a daily journal where you write down your thoughts, your feelings, And your aspirations. 

Also take the time to reflect on your past experiences and identify patterns that need breaking.  Okay, so that's it for step number one, self reflection.  The second step is, set clear goals.  Reinvention requires a clear vision, but the challenge is, quite often, the fear of failure and certain unrealistic expectations cannot hold one back. 

That's the reason why you have to set specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and of course, time bound goals.  That's the smart. If you put all that together.  S M E R T  Smart goals.  You have to understand what you want to achieve and why it matters to you.  Break down your ultimate goals into smaller ones. 

And then those smaller ones into manageable tasks. That can make the process less of a webinar and of course more achievable.  One of the things that you can do for yourself is  write down your goals and break them into actionable steps.  Okay.  Create a timeline to track your progress and celebrate the small victories. 

Now this doesn't necessarily mean that you won't stop out of the way because again, life being life, challenges are going to rise. Maybe you might have to kind of like stop, you know, for a while and then you just need to make sure that you get, you get back on track. And that's the reason why writing stuff down or journaling things. 

allows you to pretty much keep track of what is happening or better yet where you stopped and where you need to resume at. Okay.  Step number three,  acquire new skills.  During adventure surf, you often need to learn a new skill. And if you don't need to  learn a new skill, you pretty much just have to refine an existing one.

Okay.  This might mean going back to school, for example, when I say going back to school, of course, I'm telling you to go to go back to university, but it means perhaps going for certification, you know, something like that. But again,  It could be anything that has to do with education.  You can attend a workshop, for example, or better yet, just seek mentorship from somebody who is really excelling in that particular area that you would like to pursue.

Okay?  You have to embrace the discomfort that will come along because there's going to be a lot of discomfort. Don't forget that. What you used to be good at, or better yet, what you were accustomed to, gave you a certain comfort. Hence, that was your comfort zone. But now you're stepping out of that.  And you are about to learn something new, or better yet, you know, you utilize one of your existing talents or skills that you didn't pretty much give much attention to in the past.

So of course, this is going to be a little bit frightening,  but you have to embrace that discomfort. Okay. And remember that growth often happens outside of your comfort zone.  You can maybe enroll in the course, join a professional group, but I just find a mentor, like I said previously.  And, um, that's pretty much that for them.

Okay.  Step number four.  Build a support network. It's really important to have people around you as your support system.  That matters a lot because the grid is going to get harder and also there will be times where  you're going to doubt yourself. There will be times where you're going to feel like, you know, giving up.

There'll be times when you're going to feel  quite anxious about the whole thing because, again, it's not an easy thing to reinvent yourself. But the thing about having people around you who are your support system is that these people have your back, okay? These people are your angles. These are people who can speak sense into you.

These are people who have the capacity and ability because of the proximity that you have to speak some sense into you even when you're about to serve sabotage. So you have to have a support system. Now this might not be a bunch of people, okay? It could be a person. There could be two. Three, or more, it depends. 

It's really important because surrounding yourself with supportive and like minded individuals can really make the innovation process smarter. These are the people who can offer advices,  encouragement, and of course, a sense of accountability because they're going to hold you accountable for what it is that you said you wanted to do or achieve. 

They can also provide a different perspective and insight that you might not have considered, okay? So you have to keep an open mind there. Again, thank you. There's a lot of caution in this particular process. Not saying that you have to rely on them validating what you want to, but again, be open to suggestions.

Okay.  Step number five,  embrace failure.  Now, a lot of people are so afraid of making mistakes or better yet of failing, but again, failing is part of winning and vice versa.  Okay.  You need to learn to deal with setbacks.  I meant tail. Motivation. And that happens through developing a certain sense of resilience.

Failure is an inevitable part of any significant change. And instead of viewing failure as a setback, see it as a learning opportunity. Each mistake brings you one step closer to your goal by teaching you what doesn't work. And of course, helping you to find your push towards what works.  The thing here is, this is something that if someone had told me, I would say 10 years ago, back then I believe I would have lacked the understanding to get that point.

But right now I do. And that's not just because,  you know, uh, perhaps I'm the age that I am now and back then I was younger. No, it's not about age. But I think it's just about life experiences altogether.  It's only when you have experienced  feeling in a certain way,  and then you realize that if you don't get up and get going, nothing else is going to happen.

That's going to be your life story. That's going to be your narrative.  So in order for you to pretty much avoid that, in order for you to kind of like snap out of that, a step out of that, or better yet. Walk out of that.  You have to understand that failure happens.  And it is just a redirection. It is not final.

It's not the end of you. No, it's a redirection. It means that  things didn't go as planned.  Perhaps because I didn't plan it accordingly. Or maybe I wasn't up for it. Or maybe I didn't have what it takes. Or maybe this is just not for me. 

Okay,  and that's that.  So you have to adopt the good mindset.  Reflect on your videos and understand what went wrong.  Now, once you understand that, you use those lessons to improve. And remember,  resilience is built through overcoming adversity. Okay,  step number six, you have to maintain a positive mindset.

This is something that you have to learn. I will always keep on saying, now, for a lot of people, when you talk about positive mass people are like, ah, no, again, there we go again with those positive mantras and what so, nah, that's not what it is about.  You have to stay optimistic.  With the ups and downs of life.

And again, the never ending ups and downs of life because the moment you are done dealing with something.  Life proves me that.  The next thing is about to come. You just have to wait for it.  You need to understand that a positive mindset can be your greatest asset during the reinvention process.  It can, and it will, if you let it.

Okay? Cultivate habits that foster positivity, such as practicing gratitude, for example, or better yet, staying active and engaging in activities that bring you joy.  Surround yourself with positivity and cut off any negative influences that drain your energy. And that includes, of course, people in your life who don't speak positivity into your life. 

Anyone who brings you stress and anxiety are people that you have to distance yourself from when you're trying to reinvent yourself because they will always be doubting your life. They will always Speak negativity in whatever it is that you're trying to achieve, and you don't need that because energy matters.

Practice mindfulness, okay? To keep the stress at bay and maintain a balanced perspective.  I'm not going to be taking  any example of someone famous, but I will just tell you look around you.  And look at that person who seems successful  and try to have a conversation with that person. Not a surface based conversation, no, have a deep conversation with the person and try asking the person, how was it? 

How was it when things didn't go as planned? When you served like, you know, you failed  drastically.  What did it take you to get back on track? How did you do it?  Because there are a lot of people out there who  tried a lot of things, who wore so many hats, and today they look like they have mastered what they are in. 

But the moment you talk to them, you realize how many hats they wore in the past, how many career paths they followed, what worked and what didn't work.  Talk to people, and then you realize that everyone goes through this.  But keep in mind that if it was that easy,  then everyone  will be successful.  You have to want it as bad as you want to breathe. 

So the question here is, how bad do you want it?  Reinventing yourself is a bold and courageous endeavor.  It requires self reflection,  goal setting,  skills acquisition or refining,  building a support network, and of course, embracing failure. Last but not the least, positive mindset, positive attitude. That matters a lot.

Having an optimistic approach to things is key.  will help you more than you think.  Try it out. You have nothing to lose at trying it out, okay?  You also have to understand that the challenges are real,  okay? The challenges into reinventing yourself are real, and they are great sometimes,  but so are the rewards.

So I can tell you from my perspective and from where I stand,  That is completely and totally worth it.  By committing to this journey,  you will open the door to new opportunities, to personal growth, professional growth,  and of course a more fulfilling life.  Remember that it's never too late to start anew. 

It's never, it's never too late to reinvent yourself.  I've heard a lot of people say, Oh, I'm too old  to be doing this. Oh, I'm too old to start this. I'm too old to go back into doing this. If you have the opportunity to,  go ahead and do it.  You are only as old as you think. So get on the highway to becoming the person you've always dreamed of being.

Or better yet, the person that you have decided to become next.  You have what it takes.  And if you need me to remind you of that, I will.  You have what it takes.  Stop doubting yourself.  Stop letting people speak and project doubt  onto you.  You have what it takes.  Regardless of your failures, you have what it takes.

If you want it as bad as you want to breathe, you're gonna do what you have to do to get there. 

You are more resourceful than you know.  You are.  Get in the habit of listening. To what's going on.  Observing what's happening around you.  The answer always lies in something, somehow, around us.  It's just that we are often too focused looking at something else, or better yet, looking quite far. Meanwhile, the answer is just right in front of us. 

You have what it takes.  And if you doubt that,  then you definitely have to read my book. Again, the book is available on Amazon. The title of the book is Anti Growth Triggers.  These are the things that we pretty much indulge or engage in without knowing that will work against us.  And they trigger the anti growth process, meaning that we stop ourselves from growing. 

So grab your own copy  and share it with anyone you think needs to read it.  Okay?  And that's that.  So I wish you to have a great day or night wherever you are at on this beautiful globe. 

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Stephane Dadjo