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Could things be the way they are because of what you allowed? What one thing can you stop allowing for things to change for the greater good?
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What has life taken from you
Stephane Dadjo: [00:00:00] Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to my podcast, Live your Best Life Every Day. My name is Stephane Dadjo, and today we are gonna be talking about what life has taken from you. Have you ever been through such a hard season in your life that when you come out of it, you feel like you've lost so many things?
Do you feel like you've lost yourself even in the process? If you have, well, let's talk about it. , and if you haven't, well listen up. Quite often we go through things and uh, there is no perfect manual on how to handle things when they happen to us. Even though quite often we talk about processing things and we talk about making sure that we don't get affected by things.
But at the end of the day when we are in the midst of something, It is really up to us and who we are and how we relate to the particular situation. That makes a whole [00:01:00] difference. I like to think that, uh, we are not the result of our experiences, but really what we choose to become, we are the result of our choices.
We are the result of our decisions, we are the result of our actions. But, uh, at the end of the day, I like to think that when things happen to. They truly happen for us. You know, I believe that things happen for a certain purpose and that purpose should be, you know, for our greater good. That's how I choose to see it.
Now, it may not always be the case, but like I like to think it is that life is about perspectives. The truth is you cannot just go through situations in life by allowing them to take a bit of you each time life's gonna come at you. That's undeniable. And when it does, you have to make sure that every time you go through a situation you don't lose a bit of yourself.
I've seen [00:02:00] people being through it over and over again to the point whereby when you look at them, they look like a shadow of themselves. And that's quite sad because when you look at situations from a perspective of it happening for you and not to you, you didn't get an opportunity to utilize that knowledge and that trend to build yourself up, learn something in the process that you can use to innovate yourself.
Whenever I go through something or something is happening to me, you. I try to take myself out of the whole picture and look at it from a perspective and a different angle.
The first stage is acknowledging that this is happening to me, and the second step is turning that into this is happening to me, therefore triggering me to ask myself the questions. How am I [00:03:00] going to learn from this? You know, how am I going to crew from? Am I just gonna sit there and go through it?
Or am I going to take it as an opportunity to grow?
I heard so many people talking about how they're unable to trust because they encountered betrayal. Well,, the truth of the matter is it should keep allowing situations to kill your self-esteem, your confidence, your self-discipline, and your self-mastery. If you keep letting life take things from you, what do you become?
Then what happens when you get to the other side? I wanna talk about the other side is the other side of the bridge. The other side of the tunnel called life is about experiences, good and bad ones, but if you lose yourself every time you go through something harsh. What, then you become Because I see so many [00:04:00] people these days who are busy being victims, you know, who are busy, uh, being period and who, who really indulge themself in that thought process and attitude and behavior.
Part of this mindset of, oh, I'm going through something, is the end of the world. Listen, if you are still breathing, you have it within you to do something about your life. You have it within you to turn your life around. No excuses. No excuses. The show is still on, the lights are still on. Your life is still happening.
Until you draw your last breath, your life is happening and you have to do something about it. You have to think about that. What do you become if you lose every bit of yourself through everything that you go? We are happy for these days, who don't even know who they are. and the worst thing in society, telling them it's okay not to know who you are.
And this what? [00:05:00] When you don't know who you are, people are gonna give you an identity. When you don't know who you are, people are gonna give you a name, and that's that. But that's not who you are, what somebody else is called. What somebody else just calling you is not who you are. What somebody says you are is not who you are.
You know who you are or who you are is the person that you see when you look in the mirror. That's who you. Strong person. Somebody who can turn things around for themselves. Somebody who can live his or her best life every single day. That's who you are. You are not weak. No. You've just been through something.
It's okay not to feel okay, but it's not okay to stay there. Get up and get moving. Get up and move on with your life. Get up and build yourself up.
Now, this is why I like bodybuilders so much, and I myself, I'm into that particular discipline. And it's the fact that many [00:06:00] people may look at the body put or a fitness person and say, oh, that's all vanity. It's all about the body. It's all about this. But at the end of the day, they have a certain sense of discipline.
They go to the gym, they work out, they tear down those muscles, and they put themselves in their bodies. Tru, tremendous stress with the purpose of growing, with the purpose of achieving. So, The purpose of, of turning their pain into something that they'll be contented with. If you don't like something, change it.
If you don't like where you are, work to get where you need to get. You don't like what you are getting. Work for more, expect more and go for more. Aim for more, but quit doing the same thing and expecting things to change. Life is not a fairy tale that happens when you are escaping in the forest. That's just a story that they told us as kids.
No, it doesn't. If you want things to change, you get up and change it yourself. [00:07:00] Get up and change it yourself, but stop putting yourself out there as a victim
happen to you. But it doesn't mean that it has to take everything away from you. Not unless you allow it. Certain things keep happening to us on a recurrent basis because we allow them, because we, we are not learning, you know, we are not learning. And when we don't learn, it keeps happening until we do.
So if something has been happening on a recurrent basis, just rather ask yourself, what am I supposed to learn from this that I'm not learning? Because again, let me remind you, it may be happening to you, but then it's also happening for. And that's the purpose. Turn your pain into a platform. Don't let that experience go wasted.
No, grow from that. Utilize that knowledge.[00:08:00]
Utilize that knowledge
you have to ask at some point.
I am one to believe that what you want in life will come to you the moment you join expectations to actions. But it starts with you having the will for that to happen. It starts with you wanting that to happen. Stop being in denial. Stop choosing the easy way out. The easy way is doing what people want you to do.
The easy way is to try to please everyone. The easy way is trying to be, uh, The easy way is trying to be praised by everyone. The easy way is trying to do what everyone else does, even though you're not happy with that. That's the easy way, but it's easy for who? For other people. What's the point of making it easy for other people to be comfortable around you if you're not comfortable with your own self?[00:09:00]
As human beings, if we see somebody else falling, we ought to do something about. Least that's how I think. And if I manage to heal from my troubles, from my hardships, why not empower somebody else with that knowledge? Why not? Let's step out of this mindset of being overly individualist and let's step back into the essence of being humane.
Let's step back in the essence of being there for each other, standing up for each.
Let's go back to that, and if you are listening to this and you are somebody, and you are somebody who advances in life with an individualist mindset, how has that been working out for you? Be honest with yourself. It's easy to cut people off. It's easy you. [00:10:00] Be by yourself when you don't want to invest in a relationship because of what it entails.
Yes, dealing with other people is not easy. Yes, interacting with other people is not easy. It's easier to be by yourself and do things for yourself only, but how happy are you with that? At the end of the day, and don't get me started with having cats and dogs, they don't talk to you. You don't know what they think At the end of the.
For those of you who will say that animals can give you so much love that you want me as a human being, you are fooling yourself. You are fooling yourself because when you went through your hardships, you allowed life to take that part of you that will connect to human beings away, and none that is gone.
All you have left is to connect with animals. Cause then it's easier for you. That's the easy way. You are no longer able to interact with other human beings. You're no longer able to, you know, to stand in your ground [00:11:00] when, when it comes to being faced with another human being,
that's why it's easy for you to have pets and put all your love on pets. But at the end of the day, they are pets. They are not human beings. And you also understand that there is nothing wrong with having. , but there is something wrong if you choose to have a pet over human beings as a surrounding, that means that there is a problem right there.
There is something that, you know, there's something that's gone. There's something that is not active. There's something that is not active, and that's all I'm trying to say. What has life taken from you? Sit down. Think of yourself before and after whatever it is that you went through, and ask yourself
if that was a source of pain and I'm glad [00:12:00] that it's gone. Why do I still feel like a part of me is missing? Why do I still feel like I'm not complete? Perhaps the answer is working on building it back by making sure that this time around if you go through something, it's not gonna affect you the way that it.
If you won't lose, what makes you at the end of the day? What makes you complete? Cause every part of you is what makes you, you giving up on something means giving up on yourself, and when you give up on yourself, what is the point of living? Right? Today we go back to the issue of suicide and there is nothing wrong with asking for help.
I know many people will see, but people don't care. Did you talk to them? Did you open 'em? Did you let them in? Cause if you don't, well, it'll be what it is. And that's just that. So I will encourage you to drop any comments that you have regarding this [00:13:00] particular topic and let's talk about it. If you want to join in on air, let's make it happen.
Do not forget to share this with whoever you think needs to hear this. Life is not easy. But let's make sure not to lose ourselves in the process of going through it. Cause then what would be the point? And that's just that guys. Have a good day. Stay blessed. Until next time.