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[00:00:00] Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to my podcast. Live Your Best Life Every Day. Today's topic is going to be about what you are afraid of. Stay tuned. Fear is something that we all feel, experience, or perhaps, uh, have to deal with at some point in our lives, but the thing. What we don't realize is the fact that we gave it so much power.
The moment we emphasize on it, the moment we dwell on it, and the moment we let it stop us from achieving whatever it is that we aim to achieve, I say that to say this fear is gonna hold you back. If you let it take over your life, it's gonna stop you from achieving whatever it is that you want to achieve, and that's.
You were given the thought process and the choice to have a sound mind or let yourself be driven by fear. Unfortunately, so many people these [00:01:00] days have gotten themself entrenched in the mindset of letting fear take over. What are you afraid of? If you could do something about it, would you?
Those are the three questions that I'm gonna ask you today. Cause if you can answer those three questions, then you can have an indication of what you are currently doing about your life, your plans, about your projects. Believe me, the graveyard is filled with people with great ideas, dreams, and projects.
However, most of them never got to see the light of day. Do you know why? Because of fear. The fear of. The fear of being made fun of the fear of not being able to carry through. And there are so many things, if you gonna allow fear to take over your life, you won't be able to achieve anything. And [00:02:00] the saving grace part is that every day that you, you get up in the morning, every day that you get to live, it's a day where you get to reinvent yourself as much as you.
If what you're currently doing is not working, jump onto the next one. And if you have something in mind, if your mind is able to conceive something, it means that you have what it takes to make it happen. Now, fear is gonna tell you what if this doesn't work? What if you lose money? What if you lose time?
What if you are made full of what if? What if? What if so many?
But the thing is, you cannot live your life on what if now can you? That's just not a way of living. In fact, I don't call that living at all. And what you have to keep in mind is this, whether you choose to live or not life gonna go by. So if you allow fear to take over, guess what? You're not leaving. You are merely [00:03:00] existing without purpose, without impact on anything.
So, therefore, you are useless. The moment you allow fear to take over your life, you become useless to life itself. You become meaningless to your own story, to your own narrative.
If you can't be the protagonist of your own story, then you become meaningless to your own life. So think about that. It is your life, it's your narrative. We all have something that we had to deal with at some point in our lives. Some things may take a month to overcome. Some may take a year to overcome.
By the end, it is about starting. Cause when you start, when you start, your thought process begins to flourish, and your mindset begins to expand the way you think, your perspective gets into motion. [00:04:00] You see some people are afraid of relationships, for example. Others are afraid of build, of building strong ties.
Many people are afraid of going into business. They might lose some money. They say some people are afraid of investing. It doesn't matter what areas of your life, it is being afraid of something. It's given it power. Some people are afraid to speak in public of. What good is that? Cause if you ask me, for example, in a professional setting or environment, if you are free to speak up in public, That's gonna harm you, that's gonna walk against you, it's gonna cri you, basically, you become handicapped.
So we have so many people walking around this day with social handicaps that are originated from fear. You were not created with fear? No. We fear things because we are afraid of, you know, we are afraid of losing things. But when you keep something, but when you keep in [00:05:00] mind that you never own them in the first.
Then things have a different meaning for you. Listen, we are all exist based on borrow tim, and when that time is off, that's what departure, hence that. But until that time comes, until it happens, every different opportunity to live your best life.
Yeah, we all fuck up at some. And you will fail at so many things during your life. That's a fact. There's nothing you can do about it. It's gonna happen. Failure, it's gonna happen. But when you fail, it's not the end of the world. Many of us lost everything. Countless time. Let's just take the example of Covid, for instance.
So many people lost their jobs back then. Was it the end of the world? No, it was not. It was not. So that's life. Life gonna happen. It's gonna, it's gonna hit you pretty. [00:06:00] You get down on your knee and then you get up up the highway to continuing to achieving whatever thing that you want to achieve or for.
That's how it is. You have to build up your level of resilience, grow muscles, spiritual ones, mental ones, physical ones of do not allow fear to creep. Do not allow fear to turn you into a merry being that's just existing and going through the emotion of life. Don't allow fear to turn you into casualty of life.
If you wanna go for something, go ahead and do it. And if it doesn't work out, if you get hurt on the way, if you lose some money, that's fine. You learn from it and then you move on. But at least you are. At least you're experiencing. And that's what it is. That's what it is about.[00:07:00]
So think about it. That's all I'm gonna say for today, and I hope that you share this with whoever you think needs to hear this. Let's step out of our comfort zone of letting fear crippling us or keeping us, you know, in bond. Into getting to live rather than being bystanders and watching other people live their lives.
Your life is yours to live.
It is yours to live. And if you can change something, why leave it unchanged. If you can do something about your. Why let the, why allow them to stay? Why allow them to, you know, why allow them to take over? Why allow them to influence your [00:08:00] life, your happiness, your joy? It's not every day that you might hear this, but you know what?
When I look at people out there who are too covered, To live their own lives. I do feel sad because I realize how much fear can keep somebody captive. How so many people lived their entire life without getting to do anything that they wanted to do, just because fear was there. The fear of the unknown.
The fear of feeling things.
The fear of feeling. The moment you are afraid of something, you focus on that and you give it power. You give it instance in your life. You give it a place and you nourish it, you nurture it. And I say days and years go by. Guess what? [00:09:00] That fear is? Growing into something that is going to, is going to keep you in a place of captivity, and that's.
That's sad. So if you can do something about it, do it. If you need to get help to do so, do it. If you need to talk to somebody, do it. But step out of that state of mind, step out of that state of fear. You can do it. Whatever it is that your mind is thinking of doing, that you've been holding on for so many, so many years.
What you've been holding back on. You can do it. You can do it. Believe in your craft, believe in yourself. Believe in who you are. Believe in what you can bring on the table. And do not allow society to dictate how you should feel based on what they think that you should have. Cause what happened [00:10:00] these days is that either you are afraid of something.
Either somebody else project their, their, their fears. So you have to watch both. You have to be aware of both when you wanna do something and somebody's gonna dis dissuade you by telling you that, oh, it, it's not gonna work. Don't go for it. Listen, they're protecting their fears on you. So you may not always have that mindset of fear.
Sometime you're surrounding may have it, and because of them having that and because of you listening to them, you know, they transfer that mindset. Or they project it onto whatever it's that you're trying to do. And because of that, you end up not doing anything. You end up not achieving anything.
Remember this, it is your project. If your vision, it's yours for a reason, it means that it's yours for a reason. It's yours to carry out, and it's yours to carry through. So go ahead and do that. And now finally, this is it for [00:11:00] today's episode. Keep getting out. Keep showing up and keep showing up. Have a good day.