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Rock bottom
[00:00:00] Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to my podcast Live Your Best Life Every Day. My name is Stephane Dadjo, and today we are gonna be talking about hitting rock bottom. Stay tuned! So many people are unable to achieve who they are trying to achieve just because they are too attached to who they have always been.
[00:00:22] Have you ever heard of someone say, This is how I've always. This is what I've always done. This is how I've always done it. This is the way that I am or have always been in an attempt to justify themselves or perhaps to, you know, to try to explain why they're doing something the way that they're doing it.
[00:00:46] Meanwhile, they could be doing it in a better way or in a different way. Al. I'm pretty sure you've had conversations with people where they have used who they are, or perhaps the way they've always done things as a justification. [00:01:00] But let me tell you this, there is no way you can move forward in life or achieve anything with that thought process.
[00:01:07] When you hit rock bottom. It's actually a place where you ought to self-reflect and ask yourself, could things be the way they are because of the way that I am? What one thing can improve or perhaps work on that can change everything? Because until you ask yourself those questions, you will never be able to figure out where you are investing your time and where you are wasting it.
[00:01:31] You have to ask yourself, What am I doing with my time? What am I doing with me? Am I moving forward or am I regressing? So many people are avoiding that these days. You know, they, they'll rather blame everything. They will rather look away. They would rather pretend that the pink elephant is not in the room.
[00:01:51] Instead of trying to figure out what it is that they have to do or that they could change or work on. It's said that change can come like the [00:02:00] weather with the possibility of staying forever. But the gag is, that depends on how bad you want things turned around, the amount of effort you produce and what you're willing to unlearn.
[00:02:12] It depends on how far you are willing to go in order to achieve that person that you want to. Because here's one thing, it's almost like when you are trying to close a door and you're trying to open a new one. Like let's say until you let go of the door that you're trying to close, you won't be able to reach the one that you're trying to open.
[00:02:37] Better yet, until you fully close the door that you're trying to close, you won't be able to enter the realm that awaits you behind the other door cause your hand is still attached to the previous door. So you have to let go of something, you have to unlearn something. Because we as human beings, we have this way of being [00:03:00] entrenched in a certain way of doing things, and it becomes dogmatic, you know, it becomes religious.
[00:03:06] We do things religiously. We do things repetitively without even asking ourselves if that's how we are supposed to do it. Of course, the more we do it, the more we get comfortable doing that and staying there. And of course one day we get surprised when we find ourselves at that lowest place. That's something that we really have to reflect on and think on.
[00:03:31] Cause it's really something that is happening to a lot of people out there. and many people have wasted their lives.
[00:03:43] At some point. We've all been to that lowest place. We've all been there like life is gonna come at you whether you want it or not. No one is spared from that. Life happens to everyone. Sometimes life is gonna come so hard at you that's gonna knock you down. But what you have to [00:04:00] keep in mind is it is not a fatality.
[00:04:03] It is not the end. You do not have to stay there. You have it within you to stand up and build your life altogether again, as long as you are alive, there is. This is the message that I'm trying to get out there because you know, it really hits home. Many people out here are struggling and are giving up at the age of success just because they have faced that last encounter and they feel like, Oh no, it's never gonna happen, but let me break this to you.
[00:04:34] When the going gets harder, it means that something is awaiting, and when you're already going through, hell just keep on going because it can only get better. Another truth is this, many people hit the rock bottom because they're afraid of failure, and you cannot live your life with the spirit of fear. You cannot live your life with a [00:05:00] mindset of fear.
[00:05:00] You need to have a sound mind, because the moment you are afraid of something, you give it power. So if you are afraid of failing, guess what you do? You empower failure. And that will eventually happen. And when it does, you would think it's the end. Contrary to what people think, failing at something, sorry, failing at something does not mean that you're a failure.
[00:05:25] It simply means that it didn't work. And perhaps you need to change your approach, change your perspective, maybe change the way you think or the way you look at things, you know, Or go for something else altogether but at the end of the day, this is what the game of life is made of. And the reason why I like to use the expression Game of life, because that's what it is, life is the game and there are sets of rules.
[00:05:53] And until, unless you step in the game, you won't be able to live your best life. Learn the [00:06:00] rules so that you can be able to use them to your advantage, my advice is, Wherever you are at right now, whatever low place you've hit, I want you to keep in mind and tell yourself on a daily basis that it is not definitive.
[00:06:17] That's not the end. Believe me. I know it may feel like it's the end. It may feel like there is no way out. It may feel like you are cornered. It may feel like that's it, but trust me and trust yourself. If you trust yourself enough that you can take yourself out of that, you will be able to achieve that.
[00:06:39] It's all about how bad you want it. How strong is your willpower? How often do you empower yourself? You need self motivation. Cause sometime when you hit that particular. There won't be anyone around you to tell you to get up and get going. I like to call that the [00:07:00] periods of transitions and during the transition.
[00:07:04] If you try running away from situations, if you try running away from what you're supposed to give attention to, at the end of the day, you gonna face yourself wherever it is that you are running to. And that's the saddest thing you'll face yourself because you may run for years. But when you get there, you are gonna face yourself.
[00:07:29] That's self that you're running away from because that's something that is with. That's the reason why I'm always encouraging people through my podcast. I'm always saying, Learn to process things. Learn to deal with things. Learn to learn. Learn to.
[00:07:51] take advantage of where you are at. That law Placement seem like is the end of everything, but it's something that you can learn [00:08:00] out of that. Start asking yourself instead of, Why is this happening to me? Try to figure. How you can benefit from that happening for you. Do you get my point? Although it is happening to you, your mindset should be, how can I benefit from this as it is happening for me?
[00:08:25] What can I gain out of that in terms of knowledge, in terms of strength, in terms of strategy, and so on. Cause at the end of the day, it is an experience and like I said earlier, Are you gonna waste your experience or are you gonna utilize them to invest into the future that you want? See, there is no way you can move forward if you are holding onto the past.
[00:08:51] There is no way you are, you can move forward if you are still afraid of failing is gonna come at many stages in your. [00:09:00] It could be in your love life, your career life. It could be in your projects life if you are an entrepreneur. I mean, this is the reason. This is one of the reasons why business owners and entrepreneurs, I salute them.
[00:09:13] You have no idea of how many times they have failed. And when we see them being successful, we think that they had it all figured out from the first goal. No, it didn't happen that way. There were many fear attempt, but when your willpower is strong enough, when you believe in yourself hard enough, when you want it as bad as you wanna breathe, believe me, you gonna be able to achieve who you are trying to achieve.
[00:09:44] Don't forget it is your narrative, and you are the narrator. I can tell you that on the way to achieve, whether it is that you're trying to become, you're gonna have to let go of a lot of things. You may have to cut tight with many people, you might have [00:10:00] to burn some bridges, but the saving grace is this. It's for the elevation of your thought process and it's for your future self.
[00:10:10] At the end of the day, we are created of fulfillment and until. We fulfill that which we have in mind, we will be frustrated. The reality is the graveyard is filled with so many people with dreams. You know, the graveyard is filled with people with so many people who had dreams, but the difference between you and them is that you get to leave another.
[00:10:42] Meaning that you have the opportunity to work towards that dream and make it come true. No matter how hard the goings get, yes, life's gonna come at you, but guess what? While you are down on your knees, you gather your strength, [00:11:00] you get your strategy together, you get your perspective in check, and you get up and you get.
[00:11:06] It is not over until you say, so. It is your life. Nobody's gonna leave it for you. No one can breathe through your nose. Therefore, no one can leave your life for you. You have to leave it for yourself. And what you have to keep in mind is this life doesn't come with your remote control. So you have to get up and change things yourself.
[00:11:26] So how bad do you want it? Do you want it as bad as you wanna breathe? Do you want it as bad as you want to live? Because if you wanna live your best life every day, you need to go the extra mile. You need to go the extra mile.
[00:11:44] So quit just talking about it. Quit just wishing for it, and go for it. It's action time, and that's it for today.
[00:11:57] Share this with whoever you think needs to [00:12:00] hear. Again, this platform is about getting the word out there and staying real. Let's start telling each other what we need to tell each other in order that you grow, rather than telling each other what is sweet methods to our ears.
[00:12:17] That's it. Let's bring back the culture of talking to each other and talking sense to each. instead of this culture of, Oh, I'm managing my own business. Whatever happens to the other person, it's none of my business. It is your business. We are human beings. Let's bring that back. Let's bring back the essence of being human beings.
[00:12:41] You can do it and if, if you don't need, you can empower somebody else to do the same thing. You can empower somebody else to get. When they're down there, you can motivate somebody else. Many people come at me and ask me, Stephen, what do you care so much about other people? But [00:13:00] at the end of the day, because somebody cared for me at some point in my life, somebody empowered me at some point in my life.
[00:13:07] You know, somebody encouraged me at some point in my life. Why shouldn't I do the same for other people? What does it cost me to do the same? If you are truly happy and establishing your life, what does it cost you to empower somebody else to be happy and established? That's a question you need to start asking yourself.
[00:13:30] If you see somebody going through self destruction and you can do or say something about it, why not? If you've been down that. . If you have experienced that and learned from it, what does it cost you to give a tip to somebody on how to deal with that particular situation? Cause that's what I'm doing here on this platform.
[00:13:55] That's what it is about, and this is the reason why I'm inviting. Any of you [00:14:00] who would like to share some words, experience tips with the world or with the listeners of this podcast, To reach out to me and let's make it happen. Let's get in the habit and the mindset of giving back, it doesn't cost us anything, and you don't know how many lives you may have saved in the process.
[00:14:24] Well, my name is SFA Jo, and again, this is Leave your best life every day to get out there. Keep showing up and keep showing. Because you can and you have it within. Get up and get going. Have a good day.