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Feeling overwhelmed?
Join us on this episode of the LYBLED Podcast as we dive deep into effective strategies for managing stress. Whether it's work-related pressure, personal challenges, or everyday stressors, our expert guests share practical tips and insightful advice to help you navigate life's ups and downs with resilience and positivity.
Tune in to discover empowering techniques to reduce stress, enhance your well-being, and live your best life every day!
#stressmanagement #anxietymanagement
Thank you for tuning in to this episode of the Lybled podcast! If you found today's discussion valuable, don't miss out on more transformative insights in my book, Anti-Growth Triggers. Head over to Amazon to get your copy today.
[00:00:00] Stephane Dadjo: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to my podcast. Live Your Best Life every day. My name is Stephan Dadjo, and today's topic is going to be about overwhelming situations. Just because it is overwhelming does not mean that it has to overrun you. Did you get that? Here's why. The stress and overwhelm of life are part of the human experience.
[00:00:42] That's something that you just can't put aside or can't avoid, or can't dodge. As long as you are human, you are bound to experience overwhelming situations. That's. Now, whether it is stress, [00:01:00] uh, being overwhelmed, being, uh, you know, being lost, all those dragging feelings are guests that, you know, we just can't control when they show up in our lives.
[00:01:15] But our reaction and the level of emotional intelligence would it mind for how long they will. The way you react to a situation would determine how long the situation will affect you. Do you wanna duel in it or do you want to progress out of it? That's a choice, but my advice is whatever it is that you do, beware to do it before the situation or the problem.
[00:01:52] Or the circumstances get ingrained in your subconscious mind. Cause then things are [00:02:00] getting serious. Cause then things are getting deeper. That's something that you have to be mindful of. Learn to process what you've been through or what you are going through at every stage of whatever it is that is happening is happening.
[00:02:17] And the first stage, or the first step, just like everything else in life, is down to acknowledging that something needs to be processed. You see this culture of denying that, Oh, no emotions. Whoever shows emotions is weak. Whoever talks about emotions is weak and everything and stuff. . That has led to the downfall of so many people over the course of years.
[00:02:43] Trust me, unprocessed and unaddressed emotions will take you down. Many have fallen and many will keep falling. Because they're in denial because they are part of this culture [00:03:00] of we don't pay attention and we will not face or give into our emotions. But the research thing as emotional intelligence and how do you get there, how do you achieve that?
[00:03:13] If you don't face your emotions, if you don't face your circumstances, if you keep pretending that whatever it is that you are going through is not happening. Yes, you may get drunk, maybe get high, whatever, or something, but that's just for a while. The moment the sensation of euphoria is gone, there you are backing your mess and feeling even worse than you felt before, until when are you gonna ignore what's happening?
[00:03:50] Until when are you going to allow the situation to overrun you, to rule you as a matter of fact, and to dictate [00:04:00] your every steps? Cause then you start leaving from a place of fear and not of a sound mind. I'll tell you this and I will be upfront with that. There is no specific rule on how long it takes for someone to process or progress through overwhelming situations.
[00:04:19] I, myself deal with things every now and then, and I take my time to process whatever it is that I'm dealing with at my own pace. At my own pace. For some people it can take, uh, you know, a day or two. For some others it may take a week. For others, it may take a month, but at the end of the day, you have to do what you gotta.
[00:04:45] You have to get to a point where you realize that there is something that needs to be done, and the fact that you are aware of what's going on around you, of what's happening and what needs to be done. [00:05:00] That means that the situation hasn't gone beyond your conscious mind, and that's a good thing. That's a good thing.
[00:05:08] Trust me. When you find yourself to the point where the situation overrun you and dictated your lifestyle, your habits to avoid or perhaps to run away from reality became pathological. You know, it became his second nature. You do them out of you going about your day. It means that the situation that you are avoiding dealing with, that emotional context that you're trying to escape with all those toxic coping mechanisms has gone deeper.
[00:05:55] And it is ingrained in your subconscious mind, [00:06:00] now you do things that seem and feel normal to do. That's because it's now rooted in your subconscious mind and when it reaches this level, there is a lot of undoing to do. There is a lot of unlearning to do. Cause you have, in order for you to learn new things, to understand new things, you have to unlearn certain things.
[00:06:26] You have to cut off certain habits. It is not an easy process. No, it's not. Whoever tells you that, that's a liar, and I would be the first to say. It takes a lot, and the most important thing is that it takes you to get out of it. You gonna need you to get out of that. You're gonna need you to decide that you want to get out of that, but that's a [00:07:00] topic for another day.
[00:07:02] As of today, learn to process the emotional context of whatever situation or circumstances you may be going through when it's happening. Don't let it overrun you. Don't let it dictate your habits. Don't let it make you create habits that are gonna be toxic for your own self. You need to have your own back.
[00:07:37] You need to be there for yourself. You need to stand up for yourself. And that's it. That's all I gotta say for today, guys. And if you have any comments, if you have suggestions, if you have anything to add. Feel free to comment on the comment section. Feel free to DM me and if you want to, and if you want to come on air and share some of your thoughts as [00:08:00] well, do not hesitate to DM, you know, and that's it, guys.
[00:08:03] That's it. It's, it's all about laying it out there and calling things for what they are. Just cause I go through something does not mean that I need to allow it to take over me and over my life. . That's why I have to process things as the calm. That's why if I need to keep to myself for a bit, just so I can fix myself, I'm gonna do that.
[00:08:29] Cause when you know yourself, you know how you deal with things and therefore you are prepared. Whenever something shows up and you do the necessary, it's all about that. Know yourself. Be ready, situations are going to rise up. It doesn't matter how positive or optimistic you are, situations are going to rise and you shouldn't allow them to [00:09:00] define you.
[00:09:00] No, you get to define them. When you tell your story, you tell it from the perspective of somebody who overcame not a victim. I see so many people walking out here these days acting victimized, or being the victim and whatever they tell you about their lives, it's all from the perspective of being a victim, and that is the reason why they leave their lives the way they do.
[00:09:26] I'm sorry. You don't have to be the victim. It was a situation or it is a situation. You can overcome it if you want. But it takes you to achieve that, and that's what you need to keep in mind.
[00:09:47] Okay, I think I'm gonna stop now. All right guys. Thank you for listening. Um, keep getting out there. Like I always say, keep showing up and keep showing off. Alright, Have a good day all night, [00:10:00] wherever you are, cheer.